
TJA Format and on

This is an unofficial compilation and commentation of the TJA format & its related formats.

This article aims at providing a comprehensive enough overview & possible etymologies and addressing undocumented corner cases.

This article is still in construction and will be updated at times. It’s recommended to check its change history regularly.

Also see TODO for known issues and planned changes of this article.

This article also contains tentative proposals by the main maintainer (@IepIweidieng) of this article. These proposals are explicitly expressed to be Proposals and are subject to changes.

See Terminologies for the explanation and conventions of some terminologies used in this article.

When there exist multiple equivalent usages accepted by the simulators, the conventional ones are represented in bold.


Known notechart formats used in Taikono Tatsu jin games and simulators:

Extension Full Name Content Supported by Specification
.bin Binary (Fumen Notechart File Format) Notechart metadata + definition (binary file) Official games, taiko-web (plugin “Fumen File Format”) Proprietary format, not explained in this article.
.tjf Tatsujin Fumen Notechart Data (?) Notechart metadata + definition Taikosan, TaikoJiro 1  
.tja Tatsujin Notechart Format A(?) (?) Notechart metadata + definition TaikoJiro, TJAPlayer2 for.PC, taiko-web ver.18.10.11, OutFox v0.4.9.9, TaikoManyGimmicks  
.tjc Tatsujin Course (?) Notechart set metadata TaikoJiro v2.34, TaikoJiro 2 v0.98  
.osu osu! Beatmap Notechart metadata + definition osu!, taiko-web See
.osz osu! Beatmap Archive (“Zipped”) Notechart metadata + definition + resources (compressed binary file) osu! See
.tci Open Taiko Chart Information Notechart metadata (JSON) Koioto (plugin “OpenTaikoChart”), TJAPlayer3-f v1.6.0.1 See
.tcc Open Taiko Chart Course Notechart definition (JSON) Koioto (plugin “OpenTaikoChart”), TJAPlayer3-f v1.6.0.1 See
.tcm Open Taiko Chart Medley Notechart set metadata (JSON) TJAPlayer3-f v1.6.0.1 See
.tmg TaikoManyGimmicks Notechart metadata + definition TaikoManyGimmicks v0.6.1α The plaintext form is similar to .tja but has some syntax differences (explained right below).

The TMG format (.tmg) has plaintext and binary form, where the plaintext form is similar to the TJA format (.tja) and has the following features:

Excluding .bin & .osz, all the formats listed above are text-based and can be edited with any text editor.

About TJA

The TJA format (.tja, first used in TaikoJiro) was modified and extended from the much simpler TJF format (.tjf, first used in Taikosan), both share similarities with the .bms (Be-Music Script, not BeatMania Score) format and its derivations, especially the .dtx (DTXMania) format.

Naming of TJA

The etymology of both .tjf & .tja were unexplained.

Thus, .tja possibly means (Taikono) Tatsu jin (simulator) fumen デーdee ta “(Taiko no) Tatsujin (Simulator) Notechart Format A”.

Standardizations of TJA

The specification and behavior of TJA in TaikoJiro (active in 2008–2013) was often considered the standard for many years.

However, many extensions after are developed and adopted after TaikoJiro, especially since TJAPlayer2 for.PC, and there lacks a cross-simulator standard.

Since around 2022, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) and Project OutFox have started to collaborate on a new cross-simulator standardization, which is referred to as “OpenTaiko-OutFox standard” in this article.

For OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) and Project OutFox, the per-simulator behaviors are documented, but their behaviors will be unified through their development. Any new-found discrepancies of these simulators from the OpenTaiko-OutFox standard will be soon consolidated and reported to the relevant project.

TJA File Encoding

The mostly used character encoding for legacy TJA files is Shift-JIS.

However, the actual encoding depended on the system setting and can potentially be any non–UTF-8 encoding, including:

UTF-8 (with BOM or not) is often used for modern TJA files.

Compatibility Issues

TJA Lexical Rules


Lines are separated (may be unterminated) by either LF (\n) or CR+LF (\r\n) (see Terminologies for further explanation).

Lines containing only whitespaces or nothing at all are ignored.

Comment & Whitespaces

Except when preceded by a text value, // starts a comment which ends at the end of the line and is ignored along with the //.

Except when preceded by a text value, line-final whitespaces (after ignoring comments) are ignored.

Line-initial whitespaces are allowed and ignored only within the notechart definition enclosed between #START & #END (excluding themselves).

Except when within a string value and around a text value, consecutive whitespaces within a line is treated as a single space.


For multiple values separated by comma (,), except for text-valued fields, optional whitespaces can occur before and/or after the comma.

Value Type

TJA Header

Header Overview

Header Format

TJA header are written in the format of HEADER:values.

Each header MUST be placed on its own line.

The HEADER: part MUST be written in an all-upper-case manner and MUST NOT contain whitespaces in-between. No leading non-newline whitespaces are allowed.

Headers with an unrecognized HEADER: name are ignored.

If the values part is omitted, the default value is used, which can be used for resetting previously used headers from other difficulties or player sides to their default value.

For non-string values, whitespaces can immediately occur after :, e.g., LEVEL: 8.

Header Scope

For headers placed outside any notechart definition enclosed between #START & #END, the effect of each header continues until the next occurrence of the same header or the end of the file, regardless of whether it is per-file or per–player-side.

Some headers are allowed to be placed in a notechart definition enclosed between #START & #END (e.g., the EXAM headers) and such usage is listed in their scope. Headers placed in a notechart definition are effectively commands.

TITLE Headers

Scope: per-file

Specify the title of the song.

First seen in: TJF format
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per-file

Specify the subtitle (not of the meaning of caption) of the song (could be artist, game series, etc.).

The display details are unspecified.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.64
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per-file

Specify the creator (“maker”) of the notechart.

The display details are unspecified.

First seen in: taiko-web ver.19.11.25
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: per–player-side (?)

Specify the creator (“designer”) of the notechart (“notes”).

The display details are unspecified.

First seen in: (Better)TaikoCatsCaffe (?)
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: per-file

Specify the genre of the song.

The display details are unspecified.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC
Supported by: taiko-web ver.19.01.06


Scope: per-file

Specify whether the corresponding song entry is displayed, regarding the urafumenjoutai “inner notechart state/mode” (“ura inner or omote outer side”) of the song selection screen.

Unspecified: Whether and how inner mode is implemented.

Proposal: Make the scope per–player-side.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.49
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per-file

Specify the filename of the urafumen “inner notechart” or omotefumen “outer notechart” version (“the reverse side”) of this notechart file.

First seen in: TaikoJiro 2 v0.70


Scope: per-file

Specify the audio file (“waveform audio file”) of the song.

Unspecified: The exact list of supported file extensions.

Unspecified: Whether the notechart ends at the end of the audio file playback (if the audio file exist).

First seen in: TJF format
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per-file

Specify the amount of seconds into the song audio for starting playing the preview (“demonstration”) audio in the song selection screen.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.37
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per–player-side (?)

Specify the amount of seconds past (“offsetted”) from the time position of #START of the notechart which the song audio should start playing from the beginning.

Equation: offset = time-point-of-audio-beginningtime-point-of-chart-start (Unit: Seconds)

Replaced the TJF command #GOMUSIC (starting (“go”) playing the song audio (“music”) from this point).

First seen in: TaikoJiro
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per-file

Specify the relative amplitude percentage (%) of the desired volume gain of the song audio.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.66
Supported by: TaikoJiro 2, TJAPlayer3 v1.5.2

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side (?)

Specify the relative amplitude percentage (%) of the desired volume gain of the taiko sound (“sound effect”).

Unspecified: Whether the volume of system voice is affected.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.66
Supported by: TaikoJiro 2

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the initial BPM (beat per minute) of the notechart.

First seen in: TJF format
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per–player-side, gimmicky

Specify the normal scrolling velocity (before and non-after the beginning (“head”) of the notechart), relative to the base scrolling velocity.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the jacket (“preview”) image of the song.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.4


Scope: per-file, decorative

Specify the skin in the gameplay screen for taiko-web.

Unspecified: The behavior in other simulators.

Each element of <comma-separated-list-string-key-value> can be one of:

First seen in: taiko-web ver.19.02.03


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the pre-defined (“preset”) skin (“scene”) in the gameplay screen.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the dedicated tower skin (“type”) to use.

Used in conjunction with COURSE:Tower.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.0


Scope: per-file, decorative

Specify the dedicated Daninintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode” skin (kosume チッchik ku “cosmetic” (?)) to use in the certification challenge selection screen.

Dan’inintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode” resembles Dan’iDoujou “Rank Dojo”/Dan-i Dojo in the official games.

Used in conjunction with COURSE:Dan.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.1


Scope: per-file, decorative

Specify the color filter to apply to the Daninintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode” skin (kosume チッchik ku “cosmetic” (?)) objects in the certification challenge selection screen.

Dan’inintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode” resembles Dan’iDoujou “Rank Dojo”/Dan-i Dojo in the official games.

Used in conjunction with COURSE:Dan.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.1


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the background image of the song selection screen. Override the skin settings.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the background image of the gameplay screen. Override the skin settings.

Unspecified: Whether the image is scaled or stretched to fill the gameplay screen.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC ver.2016021300


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the amount of seconds past (“offsetted”) from the time position specified by the OFFSET: header which the background image (“image”) should start displaying.

Equation: bgoffset = time-point-of-image-displayingtime-point-of-audio-beginning (Unit: Seconds)

First seen in: ?
Reference: TJA Format Support (vscode extension)


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the background video (“movie”) of the gameplay screen. Override the skin settings.

Unspecified: Whether the video is scaled or stretched to fill the gameplay screen.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC ver.2016021300


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify the amount of seconds past (“offsetted”) from the time position specified by the OFFSET: header which the background video (“movie”) should start playing from the beginning.

Equation: movieoffset = time-point-of-video-beginningtime-point-of-audio-beginning (Unit: Seconds)

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC ver.2015081100

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side (?), decorative

Specify a background video (“animation”) to be used in the gameplay screen by the #BGAON and #BGAOFF commands.

Unspecified: Whether the video is scaled or stretched to fill the gameplay screen.

Not reset by BGA: itself.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per-file, decorative

Specify the lyric file(s) for the song to display lyrics in the playback screen.

Unspecified: The effective lyric file(s) when both the LYRICS: & LYRICFILE: headers are used.

Unspecified: Whether #LYRIC commands are ignored if the lyric file is used.

First seen in: taiko-web ver.20.03.31, TJAPlayer3-Develop-ReWrite
Supported by: TJAPlayer3-f v1.6.0.0, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per-file, decorative

If enabled, specify that the song has explicit (of the meaning of not safe for work (NSFW)) lyrics.

The display details are unspecified.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: per–player-side (?)

Specify the game mode. The meaning of the symbols used in the notechart definition is changed accordingly; see TJA Notechart Definition.

Unspecified: The implemented game modes other than Taiko mode.

See the #GAMETYPE command for specifying the game mode for specific notechart sections.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.13
Supported by: taiko-web (plugin “Donkey Konga Mode”)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the コーkoosu “course”/muzukashii “difficulty”/nan’ido “difficulty (or easiness) level” difficulty/difficulty level (“course”).

Not to be confused with the difficulty star specified by the LEVEL: header.

“Course” in other rhythm games usually refers to playing multiple songs in a row. In early arcade console versions of the official game series, the player could only play a fixed difficulty during the kure(ジッjetto) “credit”/game session. “<difficulty>コーkoosu” (“<difficulty> course”) was displayed in those official games.

Depending on the simulator, the COURSE: header may affect the judgment window, default scoring, the default increasing rate of the tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge, etc.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.76
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the nan’i do “difficulty (or easiness) level“/difficulty star/? (“level”).

Since the Japanese terminology is easily confused with the fore-mentioned “difficulty” specified by the COURSE: header, the difficulty star is often referred as hoshinokazu/hoshinokazu “amount of stars” and is displayed as “hoshi×n” in the official PC-generation arcade games.

Depending on the simulator and/or user settings, the LEVEL: header may affect the default scoring, the default increasing rate of the tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge, etc.

First seen in: TJF format
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the total amount of player-sides of the notechart(s).

The multiple-player-side notecharts of the difficulty is chosen if enough amount of players have chosen the same difficulty.

In the official games, some difficulties may have only 2-player-side notecharts but are still playable in single player mode, where the notechart for one of the player-side is chosen (always the 1st player-side in PC-generation games).

Unspecified: Whether such notecharts are chosen when some players have chosen different difficulties.

If the specified amount of player-sides is not 1, #START <enum-str-player-side> should be used for specifying the player-side of the notechart.

Reference: ダブルプレイ (“Double Play”; “Two-player Charts”). 太鼓の達人 譜面とか Wiki* (“Taiko no Tatsujin - Wiki* about Notecharts and so on”).収録曲/ダブルプレイ

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.99
Supported by: TJAPlayer2 for.PC

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the required amount of hits of gekirenda/gekirenda “fierce drumroll” burst note / fuusen/fuusen balloon–type notes (denoted by 7, 9, or D in the notechart definition), in the order of their definition, NOT the hit order during playing.

Each balloon-type note with unassigned hit amount requires an unspecified default amount of hits.

Proposal: The #BALLOON command can be used in the notechart definition for the same purpose instead.

For each element of <comma-separated-list-non-negative-int-amount-of-hits>, if the amount of hits is 0, the per-note behavior is unspecified.

First seen in: TaikoJiro
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the initial life count of the life count gauge (if used).

A Fuka BAD judgment decreases the life count by 1 (missing). When the life count decreased to 0, the player is immediately judged to be failed and the notechart ends.

Unspecified: Whether there is invincible time after missing and how long is its time duration.

Unspecified: The behavior when a non-zero value is used not in conjunction with COURSE:Tower.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.19
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.4.3


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the total tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge increment of the notechart when all hit-type notes are hit with Ryou GREAT/GOOD judgment, i.e., Dondafurukonbo Donderful Combo.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.92 & TaikoJiro 2 v0.93


Scope: per–player-side

Specify the rounding mode of the increment of the tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge.

First seen in: TJAPlayer3 v1.5.4

EXAM Headers

Scope (placed outside of any notechart definition enclosed between #START & #END): per–player-side (?)
Scope (placed in a notechart definition enclosed between #START & #END): per-song (begins with a #NEXTSONG command and ends with another #NEXTSONG command) — TJAPlayer3-Develop-ReWrite

Specify a requirement for passing the notechart in Dan’inintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode” (“examination”).

Dan’inintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode” resembles Dan’iDoujou “Rank Dojo”/Dan-i Dojo in the official games.

Used in conjunction with COURSE:Dan.

First seen in: TJAPlayer3 v1.5.0


Scope: per–player-side, scoring

Specify the scoring mode.

Affects combo bonus, combo milestone bonus, ゴーGoo ゴーGooTaimu Go-Go Time bonus, & big note bonus.

The main scoring formula has two int variables: init & diff.

The “basic score” below refers to the score awarded per Ryou GREAT/GOOD judgment on non-big notes outside Go-Go Time sections.

When either the Shin’uchi “true percussion (performance)”/”true performance” option is enabled or SCOREMODE:3 is used, the basic score is fixed to init points and the SCOREDIFF: header is ignored.

Unspecified: Scoring details other than the basic score in each mode; usually one of the official games is followed.

Reference: 配点 (“Scoring”). 太鼓の達人 譜面とか Wiki* (“Taiko no Tatsujin - Wiki* about Notecharts and so on”).システム/配点

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.85
Supported by: TaikoJiro 2 v0.72, TJAPlayer2 for.PC

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side, scoring

Specify the shokou initial term (refers to an arithmetic progression) (init) used for calculate the basic score. See the explanation for the SCOREMODE: header.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.67
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per–player-side, scoring

Specify the kou sa common difference (refers to an arithmetic progression) (diff) used for calculate the basic score. See the explanation for the SCOREMODE: header.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.67
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: per–player-side, gimmicky

If enabled, make the fumenbunki “notechart branch“/forked path indicator hidden in the song selection screen; hide the “branch”/path mark on the note field from the beginning of the notechart until time point when the “branch”/path–switching effects should play for the first “branch”/path section in the gameplay screen.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC

TJC Header

TJC Header Overview

The descriptions of Header Overview for TJA mostly applies. However, sequential headers can appear multiple times within their scope.

Some TJA headers can be used as TJC headers and have similar or even identical effects. Unspecified: Which TJA headers can be used as TJC header aside from TITLE:, COURSE:, & TOTAL:. Only non-TJA headers are listed in this section.

See the #NEXTSONG command for the TJA command version of TJC headers.


Scope: per-file, sequential

Specify a notechart (“song”) of the notechart set.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.34
Supported by: (Universally supported)

TJA Command

Command Overview

Command Format

TJA commands are written in the format of #COMMAND values.

Each commands MUST be placed on its own line.

No leading non-newline whitespaces are allowed for the #START and #END commands & other commands placed outside of the notechart definition enclosed between #START & #END.

However, leading non-newline whitespaces are allowed and ignored in the notechart definition enclosed between #START & #END.

Unspecified: The behavior when any commands are placed before any headers outside the notechart definition, especially for the commands which are expected to be placed before the notechart definition.

The #COMMAND part MUST be written in an all-upper-case manner and MUST NOT contain whitespaces in-between.

Commands with an unrecognized #COMMAND name are ignored.

Unspecified: The behavior when the whitespaces before the values part is omitted for all-letter commands with numeric values (occurs in some legacy charts).

The arguments for commands introduced in TaikoJiro are comma-separated. However, the arguments for commands introduced in TJAPlayer2 for.PC are instead whitespace-separated as in the .bms format (which is modified and extended into the .dtx format for DTXMania).

Unspecified: The behavior when a comma (,) is used as the decimal point (normally a full-stop (.)).

Command Scope

No known per-file commands exist, which would be effectively headers. Per–player-side commands are similar to headers but the effects of these commands reset at the end of their scope.

Except for one-shot commands, the effect of each command continues until the next occurrence of any command from the same command group or #END.

Some branch-scoped commands are non-sequential, i.e., they can be arranged freely within the same beat position without causing any behavior changes, as long as both their relative order to the sequential commands and the relative order among commands which override each other are not changed. All commands with other type of scope are implicitly sequential.

Command Late Effect Scope

A command may have some effects applied only when their approach phase is reached. These effects are defined as the late effects. The late effect scope is defined by the targeted game objects which are affected by the late effects.

The approach phase of a command occurs before the head of their defined beat position by a specified time or beat duration (if any) or no duration.

Proposal: Allow the late effect scope to be overridden for branch-scoped commands targeting notes & bar lines, see Proposal: Command Modifier.

Command Effect Target

Commands only affect their targeting game objects. The target of each command can be any (including none) of:


Scope (placed before the #START command): per–player-side, gimmicky
Scope (placed after the #START command): branch, non-before, gimmicky — OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Use a scrolling mode similar to the scrolling method used in either BEMANI-series or the official Taiko (“normal”) game series for the non-before notes and bar lines, unless overridden by user settings.

Scrolling mode comparison: Consider BPM changes occur during notes and bar lines traveling through the whole note field (including the part past the judgment mark).

Scrolling mode Taiko-like BEMANI-like
Command or TaikoJiro setting (Default)
User option
User option: REGUL-SPEED
Varing factor Relative scrolling speed vector among notes Scrolling speed vector during travel Beats taken during traveling
Position factor
Note or bar line position is in linear relation to what factor
Current time Current visual beat (actual beat offset toward negative by past negative #DELAYs) Current time
Scrolling velocity
Note or bar line traveling takes 4 beats in what BPM
abs(BPM at the defined position of the note or bar line × scroll × modifier) abs(Current effective BPM (0 during a positive #DELAY) × scroll × modifier) The apparent BPM specified by REGUL-SPEED settings (“BPM HiSpeed”)
Default scrolling changes of #BPMCHANGE command Set the per-note or per–bar-line base BPM of non-preceding notes and bar lines Suddenly change the apparent base BPM of all notes & all bar lines (No changes)
Default scrolling changes of #DELAY command (No changes) Pause the scrolling if positive;
(no changes) if negative
(No changes)
Default scrolling changes of #SCROLL command Set the per-note or per–bar-line scroll (Ignored) (#BMSCROLL)
Set the per-note or per–bar-line scroll (#HBSCROLL)
Proposal: Mode-invariant #BPMCHANGE command #BPMCHANGE <value>; : #BPMCHANGE <value>; *:* #BPMCHANGE <value>; : + #SCROLL <non-zero-float-bpm>bpm; :*
Proposal: Mode-invariant #DELAY command #DELAY <value>; : #DELAY <value>; *:* #DELAY <value>; :
Proposal: Mode-invariant velocity-changing command #SCROLL <value>; : (default) #HISPEED(<value>) (TMG format)
#SCROLL <value>; *:*
#SPEED <value>bpm; *:*; <changing-duration>

In OutFox, the Taiko-like scrolling mode can be achieved by using CAMod (AMod/”Average BPM Scroll Mode” with constant per-note or per–bar-line scrolling speed) with the BPM parameter set to 4 × the average BPM of the notechart.

See The Measure-terminating Symbol and Timing for the behavior of timing commands.

Proposal: See Proposal: Command Modifier for the syntax for mode-invariant commands.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.91
Supported by: TaikoJiro 2, TJAPlayer2 for.PC

Compatibility Issues


Scope: per–player-side (placed before the #START command)
Effect target: notes

Use the Pa pa Ma maSa ポーpooto “Parent Support Mode”/Helping Hand Mode gameplay rules from the official arcade games for certain song in the Kantan/Kantan Easy difficulty, where the amount of players is fixed to 1 and the inputs from all players are combined to play the song.


Unspecified: The behavior when the amount of player-sides specified by the STYLE: header is not 1.

First seen in: TJAPlayer3-f v1.7.2.0


Scope: per–player-side (enclosing the notechart definition), sequential

Respectively start / end the region of notechart definition.

Unspecified: The behavior when any of the followings are violated when defining each difficulty:

First seen in: TJF format
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, non-before, timing
Late effect scope: all (BMS scrolling modes); (none) (otherwise)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Change the BPM.

First seen in: TJF format
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: branch, measure non-before, timing
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Change the time signature / meter signature / measure signature.

Replaced the TJF command #ONESYOSETU (adjust the duration of this one shousetsu “measure” to fit all note symbols on the following line if placed after the previous measure (if any) and before the first notechart symbol of this measure in the notechart definition).

First seen in: TaikoJiro
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, non-before, timing, sequential
Late effect scope: all (BMS scrolling modes, positive value); (none) (otherwise)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Adjust (delay) the time position of all notechart object (including commands) non-preceding the #DELAY command by the specified time duration.

The decorative visual/audio effects are unspecified.

For the timing of notechart object, multiple #DELAY commands placed at the same beat position act as a single #DELAY with the value of the sum of their duration, even when negative delay durations are used.

Unspecified: The visual note positioning behavior in BMS scrolling modes when note objects are placed into the time interval of positive delays.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.60
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, non-before, scoring, sequential
Late effect scope: notes: (none), gameplay screen: all
Effect target: notes, gameplay screen

Respectively start / end a ゴーGoo ゴーGooTaimu Go-Go Time section if not already respectively started / ended.

Unspecified: The behavior if #GOGOSTART occurs when a Go-Go Time section has already started.

For playing the Go-Go Time entering effects during an existing Go-Go Time section, a pair of #GOGOEND and #GOGOSTART can be placed together.

First seen in: TaikoJiro
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: branch, non-before, sequential
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes

Respectively start / end a fake/dummy section if not already respectively started / ended.

First seen in: TaikoManyGimmicks


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Change the scrolling speed of notes & bar lines, relative to the normal scrolling velocity and direction.

Unspecified: Whether the notes & the bar lines are rotated around their center accordingly when a complex number value is used.


First seen in: TaikoJiro
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: bar lines

Change the scrolling speed of only bar lines, relative to the normal scrolling velocity and direction and prevent this speed from being overridden by further #SCROLL.

First seen in: taiko-web (plugin “Custom Barlines”)


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: all (BMS scrolling modes); (none) (otherwise)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Suddenly change the scrolling speed (HiSpeed / high-speed) of notes & bar lines in BMS scrolling modes, as if the BPM were changed accordingly.


First seen in: TaikoManyGimmicks v0.6.1α

Proposal: #SPEED

Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Suddenly change the base scrolling speed of notes & bar lines. In other words, suddenly change the normal scrolling velocity and direction.

Targeted notes & bar lines have their distance and/or direction to the visual judgment position scaled and/or rotated. The <approach-specifier> from the proposal Command Modifier is intended to be used in conjunction.

If the notes & the bar lines are rotated around their center accordingly when a #SCROLL command with complex number value is used, they are also rotated accordingly when a #SPEED command with complex number value is used.


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Change the scrolling direction of notes & bar lines.

Unspecified: Whether the notes & the bar lines are rotated around their center accordingly.

Unspecified: The behavior when a #SCROLL command with complex value is active.

Proposal: The direction is relative to the scrolling direction specified by the #SCROLL command.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: bar lines

Respectively disable (“turn off”) / enable (“turn on”) the display of all bar lines (including the special bar lines indicating the beginning of a fumenbunki “notechart branch“/forked path section) from the definition position and on.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.69
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: branch, beat interval one-shot, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: bar lines

Insert a fake/dummy normal bar line displayed at the head of the current beat position.

First seen in: taiko-web (plugin “Custom Barlines”)
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark, note field

Move (“scroll”) the position of the judgment circle from the current position.

Unspecified: The behavior when another #JPOSSCROLL command is placed within the moving duration interval of the current #JPOSSCROLL command.


The arguments are whitespace-separated.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC
Supported by: TaikoManyGimmicks v0.6α

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, non-after, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Specify the per–note/bar line visual judgment point to be offset (“delay”) from the judgment mark.


The arguments are whitespace-separated.

First seen in: TaikoManyGimmicks


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes

Make non-preceding notes and their KuchiShouga “Note phoneticization” respectively appear and move suddenly / disappear (“hidden”) and stop moving suddenly.


The arguments are whitespace-separated.

<float-seconds-*-duration> specifies the time durations (ms; 0.001s) before the time point of judgment is reached; if its absolute value equals to 0, the time duration is positive infinity (+∞) for the #SUDDEN command and is negative infinity (−∞) for the #HIDDEN command.

Proposal: <enum-str-afftect-type> can be one of:

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC
Supported by: TaikoManyGimmicks v0.6α

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes

Specify the displaying (“spawn”) duration of notes before the time point of judgment.


The arguments are whitespace-separated.

First seen in: TaikoManyGimmicks


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: notes

Respectively enable / disable the Doron “note-wise stealth” game modifier. The KuchiShouga “Note phoneticization” is not hidden by this game modifier.

First seen in: TJAPlayer3-Extended
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: branch, non-before, decorative
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: gameplay screen

Display the specified lyric.

Unspecified: Whether #LYRIC commands are ignored if the lyric file specified by the LYRICS: or LYRICFILE: header is used.

First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC
Supported by: taiko-web ver.20.03.31, TaikoManyGimmicks v0.6α

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, note one-shot, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes

Override (“change”) the automatically assigned KuchiShougaNote phoneticization” (“sound effect of a note” or “Hatsu sei vocalization of a note” (?)) of the nearest note(s) placed non-before the command.

In the official games, the note phoneticization is assigned per-note and does not follow a definite pattern, especially in earlier games.

The general pattern in recent Taiko games seems to be:

However, in the official Konga games, the general pattern is less consistent and “chain-final” is defined less strictly:

First seen in: TJAPlayer3 v1.4.0

Proposal: #BALLOON (Command)

Scope: branch, note one-shot
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: balloon-type notes

Basically the same as the BALLOON: header, except that the #BALLOON command only applies to non-preceding notes in the note definition.

Override the assigned hit amount specified by the one of the BALLOON headers if applies to an already assigned balloon-type note.

The semantics are otherwise the same as the BALLOON headers.


Scope: branch, instant one-shot
Late effect scope: all (across branches)
Effect target: (none)

Start a fumenbunki “notechart branch”/forked path–determining section by resetting the value of the conditions for determining the next not-yet-determined “branch(es)”/path(s) at the beginning of the section. See the explanation for the #BRANCHSTART command.

When the #SECTION command & a “branch”/path–determining point occur at the same beat position, the effect of the #SECTION command should take place after the “notechart branch”/forked path is determined.

The effects of #SECTION applie regardless the current branch and on which branch the command is defined.

An implicit #SECTION is placed at the beginning of every notechart definition.

Unspecified: Whether the value of the condition for determining the “branch”/path by score (#BRANCHSTART s, <number-expert-branch-requirement>, <number-master-branch-requirement>) is reset.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.63
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues


Scope: branch, instant one-shot
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: (none)

Resume/end a fumenbunki “notechart branch”/forked path–determining section by resuming/stopping updating the value of the conditions for determining the next not-yet-determined “branch(es)”/path(s) at the beginning of the section. See the explanation for the #BRANCHSTART command.

This command can apply to only named “branch”/path-determining sections.


Scope: branch, measure non-before
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: (none)

Override the result of all fumenbunki “notechart branch“/forked path (“level”) determination from the definition of this measure and on with the current branch/path (“hold”).

Proposal: Its effects end at either the next another #LEVELHOLD or a #LEVELREDIR command.

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.63
Supported by: TaikoJiro 2, TJAPlayer2 for.PC


Scope: branch, measure non-before
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: (none)

Override the result of all fumenbunki “notechart branch“/forked path (“level”) determination from the definition of this measure and on with specified branches/paths (redirect).

Its effects end at either the next #LEVELHOLD or another #LEVELREDIR command.


Scope: notechart, measure non-before, sequential
Late effect scope: notes, bar lines, & judgment mark(s): non-before, note field(s): non-before the previous measure (#BRANCHSTART) or (none) (#BRANCHEND)
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark(s), note field(s)

Respectively start / end the definition of a fumenbunki “notechart branch“/forked path section.

The determining point of this “branch”/path section is defaulted to be placed at the beginning of the previous measure from the #BRANCHSTART command.

At the determining point, the “branch”/path–switching effects are played but the current “branch”/path is not changed until the actual beginning of the “branch”/path section.

The “branch”/path is determined by a condition value when <enum-str-condition> is…

If the condition value…

They are conventionally used as follow:

#BRANCHSTART r, 1, 2 // Exemplar branch/path condition similar to the opening section of the "画竜点睛 (Garyoutensei)" series
    // 0 hits: "普通 (Futsuu)" Normal branch/path
    // Normal branch/path section

    // 1 hit: "玄人 (Kurouto)"/Advanced branch/path
    // Advanced branch/path section

    // 2+ hits: "達人 (Tatsujin)"/Master branch/path
    // Master branch/path section

#BRANCHEND // Sometimes optional, see below

// Some commands or notechart section

#BRANCHSTART p, 0, 101 // Exemplar condition which forces the "玄人 (Kurouto)"/Advanced branch/path to be chosen
// ...

An implicit #BRANCHEND is placed before #BRANCHSTART and #END commands. If no commands & notechart symbols occur after the explicit defined #BRANCHEND and before such commands, the #BRANCHEND can be omitted.

Unspecified: The behavior when any of the followings are violated:

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.63
Supported by: (Universally supported)

#N / #E / #M

Scope: notechart, measure non-before
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark(s), note field(s)

Start the definition of respectively the Futsuu Normal / Kurouto “Professional”/Advanced (“Expert”) / Tatsujin Master fumen (bunki) “notechart branch”/forked path section.

The definition of unused “branches”/paths due to forced “branch”/path determination can be omitted.

Unspecified: The behavior when any of the followings are violated:

First seen in: TaikoJiro v1.63
Supported by: (Universally supported)


Scope: notechart, non-before, sequential
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark(s), note field(s)

Respectively start / end the definition of a layer section. All layers in a layer section occur simultaneously and all branch-scoped commands not targeting the gameplay screen are applied separately for each layer.

They can be used as follow:

#LAYER // Optional
    // Default layer section

    // Layer A section

#LAYEREND // Sometimes optional, see below

An implicit #LAYEREND is placed before #LAYERSTART & #END commands. If no commands & notechart symbols occur after the explicit defined #LAYEREND and before such commands, the #LAYEREND can be omitted.

Unspecified: The behavior when the #BRANCHSTART commands, #BRANCHEND, #N, #E, #M are placed within the layer section definition.

Proposal: #LAYER

Scope: notechart, non-before
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark(s), note field(s)

Start the definition of a layer of the layer section. A layer can span over multiple layer sections.

Unspecified: The behavior when any of the followings are violated:


Scope: branch, non-before
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark(s), note field(s)

Specify the draw order of this layer relative to other layers in the current layer section for the notes & bar lines non-before the current beat position and the judgment mark(s) & note field(s) (if any) for this layer.


Scope: notechart, non-before
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: all

Switch to the next song in the Dan’inintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode”.

Dan’inintei モーMoodo “Rank Certification Mode” resembles Dan’iDoujou “Rank Dojo”/Dan-i Dojo in the official games.

Used in conjunction with COURSE:Dan.

See TJC Header for the header version of the #NEXTSONG command.

First seen in: TJAPlayer3 v1.5.0


Scope: branch, non-before
Late effect scope: (none) (?)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Specify the game mode (“type”) for the notes non-before the current beat position. The meaning of the note symbols non-before the current beat position is changed accordingly; see TJA Notechart Definition.

Unspecified: The implemented game modes other than Taiko mode and Konga mode.

See the GAME: header for specifying the initial game mode for the notechart.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0, OutFox v0.4.18


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Manipulate the display properties of notes & bar lines.

The arguments are whitespace-separated.



First seen in: TaikoManyGimmicks


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky, sequential
Late effect scope: non-before
Effect target: notes, bar lines

Control the commands apply to the starting/ending of the per–note/bar line approaching phase (“gradation”).


The arguments are whitespace-separated.

They are conventionally used as follow:

Unspecified: Which commands are supported by the #GRADATION command.

Commands supporting the #GRADATION command in TaikoManyGimmicks:

First seen in: TaikoManyGimmicks v0.6α


Scope: branch (?), (depending on included notechart definition content)
Late effect scope: (depending on included notechart definition content)
Effect target: (depending on included notechart definition content)

Append (“include”) the notechart definition content defined the included file to the current definition. The included file can include any headers and commands in the TMG format.

First seen in: TaikoManyGimmicks v0.6.1α


Scope: branch, non-before
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark(s), note field(s)

Split/merge the note field (“lane”) into/from top and bottom note field, with Don notes on the top note field, Katsu notes on the bottom note field, and other notes on the middle of these 2 note fields.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0

OBJ / CAM Commands

Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: gameplay screen

Manipulate texture objects & the game screen camara.

Loader & unloader:

Display property setters:

Frame-based animation:

CAM commands:

The approach phase of a #<property>START command starts at its definition position and is ended by the nearest non-preceding corresponding #<property>END in notechart definition. Unspecified: The behavior when a #<property>START command either has no such corresponding #<property>END or has such #<property>END with an earlier time position than the #<property>START command itself.

<enum-str-easing-points> can be one of:

<enum-str-easing-function> can be one of:

First seen in: TJAPlayer3-Extended
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: branch, non-before, decorative
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: gameplay screen

Set the color of the displayed region outside the border of the gameplay screen (when the gameplay screen camera is manipulated).

First seen in: TJAPlayer3-Extended
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: branch, non-before, decorative
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: gameplay screen

Respectively change / restore (“reset”) the texture used in the current skin.

First seen in: TJAPlayer3-Extended
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: branch, non-before, gimmicky
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: gameplay screen

Override (“set”) the config value read from the SkinConfig.ini of the currently used skin.

Unspecified: The exact list of valid configs, allowed values, and the behaviors.

First seen in: TJAPlayer3-Extended
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0


Scope: branch, non-before, decorative
Late effect scope: all
Effect target: gameplay screen

Start (“on”)/stop (“off”) playing the specified background video (“animation”) defined by the BGA: header on the gameplay screen.

The arguments are whitespace-separated.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0

Compatibility Issues

Proposal: #LUAMOD

Scope: branch, timing (intended; depending on usage)
Late effect scope: (none)
Effect target: notes, bar lines (intended; depending on usage)

Execute the given Lua code with predefined variables describing the current beat position, the loaded notechart, etc., after the notechart is loaded.

Intended for modifying the content of loaded notechart, including adjusting the notechart timing, calculating relative note distance, etc.

The exact behavior is unspecified.

Inspired by StepMania.

Proposal: #LUAFX

Scope: branch, gimmicky (intended; depending on usage)
Late effect scope: (Depending on usage)
Effect target: notes, bar lines, judgment mark(s), note field(s) (intended; depending on usage)

Execute the given Lua code with predefined variables describing the current beat position, the loaded notechart, etc., when the beginning of the approach phase of the command is reached during gameplay.

Intended for adding decorative visual/audio effects (“FXs”), including changing the moving path of notes, (dis)play extra images and sounds, etc.

Intended to be used in conjunction with (Proposal) command modifiers.

The exact behavior is unspecified.

Inspired by StepMania.

Proposal: Command Modifier

Scope: (Part of a command), gimmicky
Late effect scope: (As specified)
Effect target: notes, bar lines, note field(s)

A command modifier can be specified to certain branch-scoped commands using the following form:

The whitespace rule of the comma (,) also applies to the semicolon (;).

The characters after the first semicolon (;) are ignored in TaikoJiro 1 but cause crashes in TaikoJiro 2 when loaded.

<scope-specifier> specifies the late effect scope of the command.

<approach-specifier> specifies the time or beat interval and easing method of the approach phase.

<range-duration-*> specifies the time/beat duration interval of the approach phase and can be one of:

TJA Notechart Definition

The notechart definition is enclosed between #START & #END.

Most headers are not allowed in notechart definition.

Unspecified: The behavior when a header not allowed in notechart definition is placed in a notechart definition.

Whitespaces in Notechart Definition

In non-command lines, all whitespaces are ignored. (TaikoJiro-only?)

Notechart Symbols

Including the measure-terminating symbol (comma; ,) & note symbols (<enum-str-note>).

Unspecified: Whether unrecognized note symbols are ignored (removed) or treated as 0 (blank).

The Measure-terminating Symbol and Timing

The definition of each measure is ended with a comma (,). Unspecified: The behavior when there are non-whitespaces, non-comment trailing characters after the first comma (,) of the line.

Within a measure, there can be any amount of note symbols as long as the unspecified maximum allowed amount is not exceeded.

If any note symbols present, each note symbol occupies the same amount of beats within the measure — a closed-head, open-end beat interval “note symbol beat duration interval”. The beat position of the note is at the beginning of this duration interval. The actual time duration of every such beat duration interval can vary and even become negative.

Measures with no note symbols (i.e., ,-only measures) are equivalent to 0,

Equation: beat_duration_of_symbol (scope: a measure)

Equation: time_duration_of_symbol (unit: seconds)

Compatibility issues:

Non–measure-based–scoped, non-sequential, non–one-shot commands have their effects fired when the beat duration interval of the nearest preceding note symbol ends. If such commands are placed after the last note symbol of a measure and before the first notechart symbol of the next measure, whether they are placed before or after the , symbol has the same effects.

The time duration intervals of different note symbols are possible to overlap by using #BPMCHANGE / #MEASURE / #DELAY commands with non-positive value.

Unspecified: The behavior when the time duration intervals of any non-blank note symbols overlap.

(in construction: explain the behavior of such timing commands with non-positive value)

Note Symbols in Taiko Mode

Effective when GAME:Taiko or #GAMETYPE Taiko is in effect.

See for the appearance of notes in the official PC-generation arcade games.

See #SENOTECHANGE for the general patterns of how the alternative forms of KuchiShouga
“Note phoneticizations” are used.

  Note Type Note Appearance KuchiShouga
“Note phoneticizations” in PC-generation arcade games
Explanations on Clear Explanations on Fail Notes
0 (blank) (none) (none) Nothing needs to be done. Consume no input. (impossible to fail) First seen in: TJF format
1 Regular Don Small orange-ish red circle Do Do / Ko / Don Don Hit the drum surface within the Ka GOOD/OK timing window, consumes a surface input.
Awards Ryou GREAT/GOOD or Ka GOOD/OK judgment according to the timing and increases combo.
Increases tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge, & score according to awarded judgment.
Hit too off but within Fuka BAD judgment window (consumes a surface input) or not hit within the Fuka BAD judgment window (consumes no inputs).
Gives a Fuka BAD judgment & combo break and decreases tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge.
First seen in: TJF format
2 Regular Katsu Small sky-blue circle Ka / カッKa’ Ka Hit the drum rim within the Ka GOOD/OK timing window, consumes a rim input.
Awards the same as 1.
Hit too off but within Fuka BAD judgment window (consumes a surface input) or not hit within the Fuka BAD judgment window (consumes no inputs).
Gives the same penalty as 1.
First seen in: TJF format
3 Big Don Big orange-ish red circle DonOokii DON Hit the drum surface within the Ka GOOD/OK timing window, consumes a surface input.
Awards the same as 1 but extra score bonus† if with certain or greater force (AC)
if the other left or right side is hit within a certain time duration (consumes two surface inputs in total) (CS)
(same as 1) First seen in: TJF format
4 Big Katsu Big sky-blue circle カッKa’Ookii KA Hit the drum rim within the Ka GOOD/OK timing window, consumes a rim input.
Awards the same as 2 but extra score bonus† if with certain or greater force (AC)
if the other left or right side is hit within a certain time duration (consumes two rim inputs in total) (CS)
(same as 2) First seen in: TJF format
5 Head of regular (bar) Renda drumroll
Examples: 5008, 5558, 5001
Small yellow circle with bar attached behind
Turns red if hit rapidly while gradually fading out to its original color in AC games
Renda Roll– Roll on the drum surface or rim during its duration, consumes each hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Increases score per reacted hit.
(impossible to fail) First seen in: TJF format
I (same as 5) (OpenTaiko (0auBSQ))
Head of regular Katsu (bar) Renda drumroll (OutFox’s OpenTaiko-OutFox standard draft (?))
Examples: I008, III8, I001
(see 5)
Small sky-blue circle with bar attached behind (OutFox, expected (?))
(see 5) (same as 5) (OpenTaiko (0auBSQ))
Similar to 5 but only consumes (?) and reacts to rim inputs. (OutFox’s OpenTaiko-OutFox standard draft)
Awards the same as 5.
(impossible to fail) By analogy with Konga mode
OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, first proposed from OutFox.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.4
6 Head of big (bar) Renda drumroll
Examples: 6008, 6668, 6001
Big yellow circle with bar attached behind
Turns red if hit rapidly while gradually fading out to its original color in AC games
RendaOokii)ー ROLL– Roll on the drum surface or rim during its duration, consumes each hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Increases score per reacted hit.
Extra score bonus† for each reacted hit if with certain or greater force (?) (earlier AC), and/or with at least 2 hits in a 60fps frame (?) (earlier AC & earlier CS), or always (?) (AC & CS)
(impossible to fail) First seen in: TJF format
H (same as 6) (OpenTaiko (0auBSQ))
Head of regular Don (bar) Renda drumroll (OutFox’s OpenTaiko-OutFox standard draft (?))
Examples: H008, HHH8, H001
(see 6)
Small orange-ish red circle with bar attached behind (OutFox)
(see 6) (same as 5) (OpenTaiko (0auBSQ))
Similar to 5 but only consumes (?) and reacts to surface inputs. (OutFox’s OpenTaiko-OutFox standard draft)
Awards the same as 5.
(impossible to fail) By analogy with Konga mode
OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, first proposed from OutFox.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.4
7 Head of regular Gekirenda/Gekirenda “fierce drumroll” burst note / Fuusen/Fuusen balloon
Examples: 7008, 7778, 7001
Small orange circle (slightly brighter than 1) with orange-ish red balloon attached behind Fuusen Balloon Roll on the drum surface with exactly certain amount of reacted hits during its duration, consumes each surface or rim (?) hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each surface hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Each reacted hit increases score (except for CS4–5, TDM, & PSP1–2).
Awards extra score bonus† when cleared.
Fail to input enough amount of reacted hits.
Does not give penalties except that notes (except bombs/mines (?)) placed within the duration of the ballon are impossible to hit while the balloon is not cleared.
First seen in: TJF format
8 Explicit end of a drumroll-type note (if any), otherwise (blank) (round end of a bar) (end of bar drumrolls)
(none) (otherwise)
(っ!!) (end of bar drumrolls)
(none) (otherwise)
Nothing needs to be done. Consumes no input. (impossible to miss) Stopping rolling the drum non-after the point (end of drumrolls)
Introduced to replaced the TJF syntax for specifying drumroll duration (5555 / 7777) (explained below).
9 Head of special burst note/balloon
(Differ from game to game)
Examples: 9008, 9998, 9001
Big yellow circle with potato attached (PS2-generation)
Big yellow circle in the shape of a confetti ball 🎊 (PS3- and PC-generation)
Has particle decorative visual effects in AC.
Kusudama Party Popper
(Strictly speaking, Kusudama/Kusudama “Confetti Ball” 🎊 & party popper 🎉 only resemble each other and are not the same thing)
In AC, roll on the drum surface with exactly certain amount (summed and shared among players) of reacted hits during its duration, consumes each surface or rim (?) hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each surface hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Each reacted hit increases score.
Awards vary extra score bonus† when cleared, according to the timing of an additional final hit (consumed) hinted by the player character’s face (AC7) or whether the note is cleared quickly enough (later AC)
(same as 7) In the official games, becomes 7 when not all players encounter 9 with the note head, the full bonus time point, & the note end respectively at the same time position for each player.
First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.75
A Hand-holding big Don Big orange-ish red circle with hands holding with other note(s) for other player(s) (none)
DonTe “DON (Hand)” (in 4-player mode)
Similar to 3 but awards extra score bonus† if all players hit within a certain time duration
(same as 3) In the official games, becomes 3 when no missable hit-type notes exist at the same time position for any of the player above or below the current player.
First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC ver.2018040100
Supported by: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OutFox v0.4.9.9
B Hand-holding big Katsu Big sky-blue circle with hands holding with other note(s) for other player(s) (none)
カッKa’Te “KA (Hand)” (in 4-player mode)
Similar to 4 but awards extra score bonus† if all players hit within a certain time duration. (same as 4) In the official games, becomes 4 when no missable hit-type notes exist at the same time position for any of the player above or below the current player.
First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC ver.2018040100
Supported by: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OutFox v0.4.9.9
C Bomb/mine Small dark-blue cherry bomb with ignited fuze 💣 (none) All hits are too off or not hit (both consumes no inputs).
Awards a “bomb/mine-pass” judgment.
Hit the drum surface or rim within the Ka GOOD/OK (?) timing window, consumes an input.
Gives a BOOM (“bomb/mine-miss”) judgment & a combo-break and decreases tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard
Supported by: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.4
D Fuze/fuse drumroll
Examples: D008, DDD8, D001
(Big circular clock with blue-ish purple edge and with bar attached behind in OpenTaiko (0auBSQ))
(Jibakudan “Time bomb”/Fuseroll) Similar to 7 but awards a “bomb/mine-pass” judgment. Similar to 7 but gives a BOOM (“bomb/mine-miss”) judgment & a combo-break and decreases tamashii ゲーgeeji spirit gauge/soul gauge. Not in the official games.
OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, first proposed from OutFox.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0
F Ad libitum note (AD-LIB) (invisible by default) (none) Hit the drum surface or rim within the Ka GOOD/OK timing window, consumes a surface input.
Awards an AD-LIB judgment but keep combo unchanged.
Not hit within the Ka GOOD/OK timing window (consumes no inputs).
Gives no penalties.
Not in the official games.
Inspired by another rhythm game GROOVE COASTER, developed by TAITO
First seen in: TJAPlayer2 for.PC ver.2016081500
Supported by: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard
G Swap note (Vary)
Big green circle in taiko-web (plugin “Green Notes”)
Big purple circle in OpenTaiko (0auBSQ)
(Gu リーriin Green)
(Kadon KADON)
Hit the drum surface (or rim) on left or right side within the Ka GOOD/OK timing window & the drum rim (or surface) on the other left or right side within a certain time duration (consumes a surface input & a rim input in total)
Awards the same as 1 according to the timing of the first input.
Hit too off but within Fuka BAD judgment window (consumes the first input), or not hit within the Fuka BAD judgment window (consumes no inputs), or the second input is not given in a certain time duration after the first input (consumes only the first input).
Gives the same penalty as 1.
Not in the official games.
First seen in: taiko-web (plugin “Green Notes”)
Supported by: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.4

†: No score bonuses if the PC-generation scoring rule is followed.

Note type category

Duration of drumroll-type notes

The head and end of drumroll-type notes have no timing window. In the official arcade game, drumroll inputs are allowed non-before/non-after the containing frame of the judgment timing of the head/end of the drumroll-type note.

During the defined duration interval within a drumroll-type note, either 0 or the symbol of the note head may appear. E.g.: 5008 / 5558 / 5058 are all equivalent. Unspecified: Whether other drumroll-type notes can be used in place of the repeated symbol of the note head.

Proposal: Each symbol of the note head inside a bar drumroll note denotes a middle point of the bar which can scroll independently to the head, end, and other middle points of the note.

For special balloons (9), the last occurrence of repeated note head symbol (if any) defines the full bonus time point. If the note is cleared, full bonus is awarded only by clearing the note non-after that point and partial bonus is awarded otherwise. The full bonus time point is unspecified when no repeated note head symbols ever occur.

By default, drumroll-type notes are ended non-after one of:

In the official games, drumroll-type notes are usually intentionally made to end earlier than the designed ending beat position by the amount of beats of a 1/48th note.

Unspecified: Whether other drumroll-type note symbols can appear during a drumroll-type note.

Unspecified: The behavior when a drumroll-type note with non-positive time duration is formed, possibly from a drumroll-type note ended by a hit-type note (e.g., 51 / 56 / 65, where the time duration of the drumroll may be shortened as mentioned above) or by using timing settings.

First seen in: TJF format
Supported by: (Universally supported)

Compatibility Issues

Note Symbols in Jube Mode

Effective when GAME:Jube is in effect.

Unlike GAME:Taiko, every 4 hexadecimal digits are grouped together to represent a note combination and occupy the same beat duration interval.

In TJA files, within non-command lines, all whitespaces are ignored by TaikoJiro. In this game mode, every 4 digits are conventionally separated with a space for readability.


(This example is adapted from the README.txt distributed along with TaikoJiro)

Note Layout → 0/1 Notation → Note Symbol (Hexadecimal Digit)
■■□■ → 1101 → D
□■■□ → 0110 → 6
□□□■ → 0001 → 1
□□□□ → 0000 → 0

The above note combination is written D610.

GAME:Jube Example

First seen in: TaikoJiro v2.13

Note Symbols in Konga Mode

Effective when GAME:Konga or #GAMETYPE Konga is in effect.

See the exemplar actual gameplays:

See #SENOTECHANGE for the general patterns of how the alternative forms of KuchiShouga
“Note phoneticizations” are used.

  Note Type Note Appearance KuchiShouga
“Note phoneticizations” in Donkey Konga 3
Explanations on Clear Explanations on Fail Notes
0 (blank) (none) (none) Nothing needs to be done. Consume no input. (impossible to fail)  
1 Right drum beat Red circle with its right half filled Pa / パッPa’ / パンPan Hit the right bongo drum within the OK timing window, consumes a right input.
Awards GREAT or OK judgment according to the timing and increases combo.
Increases healthy gauge, & score according to awarded judgment.
Hit too off but within BAD judgment window (consumes a right input) or not hit within the BAD judgment window (consumes no inputs).
Gives a BAD (if hit) or MISS‡ (if not hit) judgment & combo break and decreases healthy gauge.
2 Left drum beat Yellow circle with its left half filled Po / ポッPo’ / ポンPon Hit the left bongo drum within the OK timing window, consumes a left input.
Awards the same as 1.
Hit too off but within BAD judgment window (consumes a left input) or not hit within the BAD judgment window (consumes no inputs).
Gives the same penalty as 1.
3 Both drum beats Pink circle D Hit the left or right bongo drum within the OK timing window & the other left or right bongo drum within a certain time duration (consumes a left input & a right input in total)
Awards the same as 1 according to the timing of the first input.
Hit too off but within BAD judgment window (consumes the first input), or not hit within the BAD judgment window (consumes no inputs), or the second input is not given in a certain time duration after the first input (consumes only the first input).
Gives the same penalty as 1.
G (same as 3) (see 3) (see 3) (see 3) By analogy with Taiko mode.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.4, OutFox v0.4.18
4 Clap Sky-blue circle with star-ish edge チャCha / チャッCha’ / チャンChan Clap hands above the bongo drums within the OK timing window, consumes a clap input.
Awards the same as 1.
Hit too off but within BAD judgment window (consumes a clap input) or not hit within the BAD judgment window (consumes no inputs).
Gives the same penalty as 1.
J (same as 4) (see 4) (see 4) (see 4) Not listed in OpenTaiko-OutFox standard (?)
First seen in: OutFox v0.4.18 (?)
5 Head of right bar drumroll
Examples: 5008, 5558, 5001
Red circle with its right half filled and with bar attached behind Renda “Roll~” Similar to 6 but only consumes (?) and reacts to right inputs.
Awards the same as 6.
(impossible to fail)  
I Head of left bar drumroll
Examples: I008, III8, I001
Yellow circle with its left half filled and with bar attached behind Renda “Roll~” Similar to 6 but only consumes (?) and reacts to left inputs.
Awards the same as 6.
(impossible to fail)  
6 Head of both bar drumroll
Examples: 6008, 6668, 6001
Pink circle with bar attached behind Renda “Roll~” Roll on either bongo drum during its duration, consumes each left, right, or clap (?) hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each left or right hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Increases score per reacted hit.
(impossible to fail)  
H Head of clap bar applause
Examples: H008, HHH8, H001
Sky-blue circle with star-ish edge and with bar attached behind Hakushu “Applaud~” Applaud above the bongo drums during its duration, consumes each left (?), right (?), or clap hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each clap hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Increases score per reacted hit.
(impossible to fail)  
7 Head of regular Gekirenda/Gekirenda “fierce drumroll” burst note / Fuusen/Fuusen balloon
Examples: 7008, 7778, 7001
Small orange circle (slightly brighter than 1) with orange-ish red balloon attached behind (Fuusen Balloon) Roll on either bongo drum with exactly certain amount of reacted hits during its duration, consumes each left, right, and clap (?) hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each left or right hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Each reacted hit increases score.
Awards extra score bonus† when cleared.
Fail to input enough amount of reacted hits.
Does not give penalties except that notes (except bombs/mines (?)) placed within the duration of the ballon are impossible to hit while the balloon is not cleared.
By analogy with Taiko mode.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard
8 Explicit end of a drumroll-type or applause note (if any), otherwise (blank) (round end of a bar) (end of a bar drumroll or applause)
(none) (otherwise)
(none) Nothing needs to be done. Consumes no input. (impossible to miss) Stop rolling both the bongo drums or clapping non-after the point (end of drumrolls)
9 Head of special burst note/balloon (Vary) (Kusudama Party Popper) (Vary)
Roll on either bongo drum with exactly certain amount (summed and shared among players) of reacted hits during its duration, consumes each left, right, or clap (?) hit with unlimited speed, reacts to each left or right hit up to 1 hit per 60fps frame (official games).
Each reacted hit increases score.
Awards vary extra score bonus† when cleared, according to whether the note is cleared quickly enough.
(same as 7) Might become 7 when not all players encounter 9 with the note head, the full bonus time point, & the note end respectively at the same time position for each player.
Not in the official games.
By analogy with Taiko mode.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard
A Hand-holding both drum beats (Pink circle with hands holding with other note(s) for other player(s)) ? Similar to 3 but awards extra score bonus† if all players hit within a certain time duration
(same as 3) Might becomes 3 when no hit-type notes exist at the same time position for any of the player above or below the current player.
Not in the official games.
By analogy with GAME:Taiko.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ), OutFox
B Hand-holding clap beat (Sky-blue circle with star-ish edge and with hands holding with other note(s) for other player(s)) ? Similar to 4 but awards extra score bonus† if all players hit within a certain time duration. (same as 4) Might becomes 4 when no hit-type notes exist at the same time position for any of the player above or below the current player.
Not in the official games.
By analogy with Taiko mode.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ), OutFox
C Bomb/mine (Small dark-blue cherry bomb with ignited fuze 💣) (none) All hits are too off or not hit (both consumes no inputs).
Awards a “bomb/mine-pass” judgment.
Hit either bongo drum or clap within the OK (?) timing window, consumes an input.
Gives a BOOM (“bomb/mine-miss”) judgment & a combo-break and decreases healty gauge.
Not in the official games.
By analogy with Taiko mode.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ)
D Fuze/fuse drumroll
Examples: D008, DDD8, D001
(Big circular clock with blue-ish purple edge and with bar attached behind in OpenTaiko (0auBSQ)) (Jibakudan “Time bomb”/Fuseroll) Similar to 7 but awards a “bomb/mine-pass” judgment. Similar to 7 but gives a BOOM (“bomb/mine-miss”) judgment & a combo-break and decreases healthy gauge. Not in the official games.
By analogy with Taiko mode.
OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, first proposed from OutFox.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.6.0
F Ad libitum note (AD-LIB) (invisible by default) (none) Hit either bongo drum or clap within the OK timing window, consumes a surface input.
Awards an AD-LIB judgment but keep combo unchanged.
Not hit within the OK timing window (consumes no inputs).
Gives no penalties.
Not in the official games.
By analogy with Taiko mode.
First seen in: OpenTaiko-OutFox standard, OpenTaiko (0auBSQ)

†: No score bonuses if the PC-generation scoring rule is followed.
‡: A BAD judgment in Konga games corresponds to a hit Fuka BAD judgment in Taiko games, while a MISS judgment in Konga games corresponds to a unhit Fuka BAD judgment in Taiko games.

Note type category

The note handling details of the Taiko mode apply. See the explanation in Note Symbols in Taiko Mode.

First seen in: OpenTaiko (0auBSQ) v0.5.4
Supported by: taiko-web (plugin “Donkey Konga Mode”), OutFox


Word Usage of this Article

General Word

& is used only for conjoining independent nouns with similar grammar structure and and is used otherwise.

The ITALIC BOLD ALL-UPPER-CASE keywords MUST, MUST NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, & MAY are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119:

The time relation is denoted as follow:

Word Before Non-after At Non-before After
Time relation < = >

The fraction (for beat duration, etc.) is denoted as follow:

Word whole half 1/3rd quarter
1/8th 1/16th
Fraction 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/8 1/16
whole half third quarter
eighth sixteenth


If a usage causes unspecified behavior or the behavior itself is unspecified, the actual or intended behavior may vary from simulator to simulator and/or dependent on user settings. When portability is concerned, such a usage and the behavior SHOULD be avoid and the actual behavior SHOULD NOT be depended upon.

Because this article is still in construction and the TJA format is still evolving, this is possible that some usages or behaviors are stated as unspecified but the actual or intended behaviors are/have become consistent among most simulators.

Level of Impact of Headers and Commands

(normal) > timing > scoring > gimmicky > decorative

The maximum level of impact of the headers and commands are listed in the description of their scope.

Changing the value of a header or command whose impact level ≤ scoring never affects the required timing and types of the gameplay input.

Changing the value of a header or command whose impact level ≤ gimmicky also never affects the sorting order of the song or the gameplay and scoring rules.

A gimmicky header or command may affect the difficulty for reading the notechart during gameplay, while a decorative header or command usually does not.

Whitespace character


Japanese terminologies of the game:用語集

Japanese terminologies are provided with their pronunciation annotated using a KunreiShiki ローRoomaji-like romanization system. If a Japanese terminology can be written in kanji “Chinese Character” form, both are listed.

Some of the kanji “Chinese Character” form of the Japanese terminologies are literally taken as the Chinese translation.

For some terminologies of the game, there exist multiple English translations. Their are expressed as "LIT"/TDM/TKT/PC (ALTs) when necessary in this article:

Fields with unknown (not existing or simply not investigated by the maintainer of this article) translation are denoted with ?.

Translations which are simply romanization transliterations are omitted.

Some corresponding terminologies from other rhythm games are taken as one of the translations instead: See individual entries of

Mentioned PC-Compatible Simulators with TJA Format Support

Reference: 太鼓シミュレーター一覧 (“List of Taiko Simulators”). (2022, July 26). 太鼓の達人 Wiki (“Taiko no Tatsujin Wiki”).太鼓シミュレーター一覧

Unless stated otherwise, a simulator mentioned in this article also refers to its derivations.

The honorific title is omitted.
